Italian Wine: America’s first choice. Let’s meet Melania Spagnoli, a Sommelier...
Born and raised in Brescia, land of Franciacorta wines, Melania has always had a passion for food and especially wine. After completing her Masters...
Tiziana Ciacciofera leaves the ICCC of Houston and says: “now I’m...
A new professional turn for Tiziana Ciacciofera, who leaves the direction of the Italian Cultural & Community Center of Houston and says: "now I’m...
Salvatore Albelice: the king of Italian Ice Cream in Houston. The...
Salvatore Albelice, born in Catania and raised in Milan at a very young age opened his first “gelateria” in Milan. Then, in 1982 he...
Renato De Pirro: the italian “traditional” Chef in Texas. The interview
Renato De Pirro was born in Tuscany and now, after a brilliant career in the most renowned kitchens of the USA, he has become...
Two hours in Madrid at the San Miguel market
“Me encantan las gambas a la plancha…”, she was tweeting like a swallow while withdrawing its plate. I was distant and didn't know why...
“Capo” Open-Air Market
It's a heart beating with memories, emotions, the centre of a city whose streets and ravines hidden to the eyes of the passer-bys are...
Sarde a beccafico – Sardine rolls
The Chef Max Mangano reveals us the recipes of the traditional cuisine in "Palermo style".
Carefully clean the sardines and remove the head. Place them...
Maltagliati with beans
Ferriero Corbucci (who passed away some years ago) was one of the symbolic Partisan of the Resistence fighting in our province. In his book:...
Vegetables cous cous
Taboulè di Verdure - Vegetables cous cous
Summer is coming and people look forward to leaving behind the consistent winter dishes like soups and get...
Sardines Meatballs
Sardines meatballs
One of our readers Floriana Sergio, works as a pharmacist but is also a food blogger and has sent us a recipe of...