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All about Food News for English speaking readers, by Tiziana Ciacciofera Triolo

Halloween, una tradizione celtica importata in Usa dagli Irlandesi ma ormai...

Paese che vai tradizione che trovi! Ormai da sei anni in casa mia si festeggia Halloween. La casa comincia a profumare di spezie autunnali...

Maltagliati with beans

Ferriero Corbucci (who passed away some years ago) was one of the symbolic Partisan of the Resistence fighting in our province. In his book:...

Vegetables cous cous

Taboulè di Verdure - Vegetables cous cous Summer is coming and people look forward to leaving behind the consistent winter dishes like soups and get...

Meatballs with tomato sauce: poor or noble dish?

Trying to find the origins of the meatballs cooked in tomato sauce seems to be really hard, infact it is difficult to establish a...

Sardines Meatballs

Sardines meatballs One of our readers Floriana Sergio, works as a pharmacist  but is also a food blogger and has sent us a recipe of...