Armando Capochiani: an italian Toque to conquer the world.


Rigatoni con crema di scarmorza al tartufo bianco, porcini pachino e speckAcademia Barilla , Rai , interviews, awards, prizes , achievements , titles to go go , interviews, appearances , tv hosting. This is, in a very few words , the professional profile of Armando Capochiani , Italian Chef from Apulia with the suitcase is always ready . Capochiani has been called ” the Salvador Dali of Food ” and physiognomy does not lie. Art, in its various forms , either.

I.C.M.C. Diploma Italian Cuisine Master ChefCapochiani , a history of honors. A rich thirty-year career overflowing with awards: where does his passion for haute cuisine come from ?

Finale Campionato del MondoFirst of all I like to say that you are born with a passion for the kitchen , in the sense that one is led from an early age to this kind of work and if you, like me , come from a family that has traditionally been in the hospitality from 70 years , it is easy to see the path which later led me to do and complete my education at the Professional Institute State Hotel in Brindisi , to which I add a long apprenticeship made in the famous Italian rivieras , in both South North of Italy, and during his military service in Modena at the Circolo degli Ufficiali.

Apulia , your native country, do you miss the smells and tastes of this region ? And what do you miss the most?

All products km zero , self grown, such as vegetables and fresh fish, but as you know , today’s communications and transports , especially aviation and catering , have virtually  canceled the distances, and what a time it was impossible to imagine to have in kitchens of another continent, today it is not.

Impiatto..You have traveled the world far and wide, worked everywhere and were invited everywhere: in which part of the world have you found the best working conditions ?

It is not easy to answer this question , over the years many things have changed , the laws of contract, the concepts of HACCP , machinery and tools , and however personally I was fine in all the places I’ve lent my service work.

And where ,on the other hand, have you been able to express themselves to the best of their ability?

Europe, Middle East and Asia. Almost everywhere.

Parmigiano ReggianoHow does a southerner live in a megalopolis like Shanghai ?

In the same manner in which a local resident would do. When I work in a country different from mine, I identify with and become one of the locals , eat like them, breathe like them.  As I try to talk like them , show concern and respect for their traditions and customs , I do not weigh my social difference and above all they are a generous person , jovial , optimistic , not to mention the fact that I tend to show an innate sense of fast learning the local language, which helps me interpersonal relationships.

Capochiani Armando at WorkAnd about the Chinese : how much they appreciate Italian cuisine ?

Very much , in fact after the Asian and local cuisine , Italian cuisine is the most popular and appreciated , despite the cost of the dishes definitely not suitable for all budgets and the standard of living of most of them, if we consider that the average salary of a Chinese is about 250 Euros .

Scan0003You have been called ” the Salvador Dali of Food ” Tell us where the parallel between you and the great painter comes from.

Well, you know my features… What do you think?

Spaghetti Cherry Tomatoes Olives & BasilYour dishes are works of art , sculptures in honor of taste : what are your favorite preparations , the ingredient that you prefer to work with?

The “pasta” , the undisputed queen of the Italian table. Either fresh, or dried for its versatility and for its nutritional properties, with an eye to that of durum wheat semolina from which I get trained in honor of my “Dear Puglia ” but to be honest , everything I cook is made with love and passion that I could not honestly give a preference to use as an ingredient .

You have achieved all sorts of awards, but surprisingly still lack a Michelin star : this could be one of your future goals ?

Who knows…?



Alessandra Verzera


Photos: Courtesy of Armando Capochiani, all rights are reserved.

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